New World: Atlantis Renaissance
Presenting my new world...Atlantis Renaissance
Over 11,000 years ago, there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that was populated by a noble and powerful race. This was the island of Atlantis. According to the legend, Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, he created a dwelling at the top of the hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her. When she gave birth to five sets of twin boys, they later became the rulers of Atlantis. Atlas was the first to rule.
To honor Poseidon, a temple was built at the top of the central hill and it housed a giant statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses. This temple was the hub of the island where laws, tributes to Poseidon was given and judgments were passed. To facilitate travel and trade, canals were dug around the land masses and were connected together with one main water fareway to allow ships to enter Atlantis for trade. This made for three rings. The center ring holding the main temple, the second ring holding most of the commerce and entertainment areas and the third largest ring holding most of the general population. The outer ring entrance was always heavily guarded to prevent invaders and had a fortress nearby.
Atlanteans lived a prosperous life, but greed and power began to change them. When Zeus saw the immortality of the people, he became anger and in one violent surge, the island and its people were gone. This is the summary of the story told by Plato around 360 BC. The legend of Atlantis has been debated for 2000 years.
This legend inspired my creation of a Sims version, which I call Atlantis Renaissance. This rebirth is strictly my humble interpretation of the island, although I tried to build the world according to Plato's description and the different artist renderings. This legendary world has been modified due to the game limitations and to meet the needs of a Sims population. Sculpting the land rings and water canals was a very unique challenge, as well as building lots and roads in a circular fashion.There are dirt roads and pathways for your Sims to travel on by foot, bike or car. (cars are unavoidable) This island was designed and built with the legend in mind, but it can easily be converted to a more modern world play such as a tourist town or whatever your imagination can come up with. It has been thoroughly Sims tested.
Description of World:
Center Ring: Temple of Poseidon (town hall) sits high on a hill and at the base of the hill is a small Bristro for socializing and hearing the latest island news. This ring is surrounded by a water canal and is connected to the second ring by bridges. (2 C-lots)
Second Ring: holds most of the buisnesses and entertainment areas. There are numerous little retreats available for the Sims hygiene, hunger, social and entertainment needs also.
Community lots available: Ammon Pool, Diaprepe's Market, Plutarch Academy, Saris Park, Sonchio Books & Scrolls, Atlantis Public Restrooms, Plato's Library, Azaes Canal Retreat, Hermocrates Spa/Fitness Center, Meneseus Hospital, Apollo Writer's Club, Psenophis Museum of Art, Atlantis Commons Park, Elasippus Theater, Gadietus Amphitheater, Atlantis Cemetery, Toteni's Tatto/Stylist Shoppes, Atlantis Winery, Atlantis Fire Brigade and the Kaza Sports Bar (EA remodel)
Third Ring: holds most of the residential homes, vineyards, parks, playgrounds and a few community areas. This ring is heavily guarded by the Atlantean military. There are watch towers on each side of the canal entrance to prevent invasion of the inner rings.
Community lots available: Canal Retreat, Persephone Hot Springs, Heliopolis Playground, Eumelus Park (EA remodel), Atlantis Seashore Retreat, Azaes Seashore Retreat, Seashore Public Restrooms, Evenor Pond, Fortress of Atlantis, Cumelas Park, Poseidon Aquarium.
The residential lots have been divided according to population classes: Peasant, Middle Class, Upper Middle Class and Nobility.
Peasant- 3 furnished lots (two are starters) 4 unfurnished on 20x40 lots. (built in rowhouse fashion) These homes are on the other side of the island near the beach front. Numerous empty lots are further down for any future lot needs.
Middle Class- 4 furnished/6 unfurnished on 20x40 lots (built in rowhouse fashion)
Upper Class- 1 furnished/ 3 unfurnished lots on 20x40 lots.
Nobility- 2 furnished lots/ 9 unfurnished (lots vary in size)
All lots were Custom built by me, except for the two EA lots.
Total Community Lots with Buildings: 34 Without Buildings: 7
Total Residential Lots with Buildings: 32 Without Buildings: 44
Custom Content used: 1 Greek railing and arch by Dgandy and Carzarupt's rabbit hole rugs. (or you can get the Jynx rabbithole rugs from MTS) 1 EA store item (Poseidon's Fury) is needed for it to show up in the Aquarium.
Requirements: Ambitions, World Adventures, Late Night, Free download, Riverview.
File size: 60MB Total lots: 117
Link to World File:
Thanks, everyone and hope you will have an interest in my new world.
These pictures don't show the three rings as well as I would like, but it was difficult to get a good shot. As usual, game pics never do justice to the real game images, so hope the following shots will be enough for you to want to take a look see at my endeavors.